LA CAMBRE MASTER 2 – Soulever les effondrements  / Intervention

11-12 March 2020

24 hours to discover together with the students of L’Atelier de Typographie de la Cambre what would be the function of artists and graphic designers once the world as we know it today will collapse.

Including a walk till the refuge where a family of five is bulding its self-sufficient future. 


9-16 September 2019

« How can we approach a stranger? » With this question in mind we started our flanerie through the city. We always began by taking the bus 49 until the moment in which we understood that the bus 49 was our research field. By making a ritual out of a coincidence we insisted on stepping over our shadow and for one week we created strategies to initiate intimate conversations with strangers on the bus.

MASTERCLASS RITCS – Framing the field

5-9 February 2019

With students of Acting and Direction department we explored the surrounding of RITCS Bottelerij to experiment with different formats between art and activism. Our focus was directed at framing the research field in order to advance options that would have been significant to develop in that context. The prototypes have generated formal tests or life-changing milestones.  

LA BELLONE 3d4i – L’Adversaire 

9 Septembre 2018

Quand l’autre est l’ennemi, l’adversaire, peut-on parler ? Face aux discours qui nous crispent, nous font peur, peut-on, doit-on répondre ? Dans le dispositif « Your words in my mouth », Anna Rispoli met bon gré mal gré dans la bouche des participant•e•s des mots qui ne leur appartiennent pas. La réaction de rejet de certain•e•s l’a poussée à s’interroger sur notre posture à l’égard des discours F adversaires G, un travail qui était au cœur de sa proposition lors de 3days4id

LE PHÉNIX LILLE – On prend des morceaux de réel et on se les passe  

11-16 December 2017

by l’Amicale de production, Anna Rispoli, Diederik Peeters

« Taking some slices of reality and passing them on » is a very formal way to say « staging reality ».  The masterclass for professionals is stretching the limits to the interpretation of in situ performance to focus on the conceptual bases of it.  While approaching reality as a source, a prior selection is implied : which slices do we want to choose and prepare for others ? The opportunity to broach the questions of hunger and intellectual greed, to ask ourselves : how do we take advantage of this hunger, this greed in order to turn them into tools ?


10-16 April 2015

by Anna Rispoli and Britt Hatzius inviting Flore Grassiot

Quelle relation existe entre démocratie et ré-invention de l’espace public? A partir des interconnexions des niveaux temporels (mémoire versus faits, présence versus absence) et d’une lecture affective de l’espace, nous développeront des techniques d’observation participante, de lecture et notation de l’espace urbain pour arriver à proposer un script et une intervention.
L’un des outils qui nous assistera dans cette démarche est fourni par la cartographie subjective. L’architecte-urbaniste Flore Grassiot et sa méthodologie de « cartes mentales »ouvrira une perspective subjective de lecture du contexte urbain. La cartographie sera
ici considérée comme une écriture en mouvement capable de révéler et croiser différentes strates de réalités.

A.PASS – Between tool and matter: The art of the interview

3-7 June 2013

by Anna Rispoli and Adva Zakai, inviting Antonia Rahofer, Jan Zienkowski, Benedikte Zitouni, Jean-Yves Petiteau, Kobe Mathys / Agency, Elke van Campenhout, Effi & Amir

Methodologies and perspectives from various fields will be reflected upon in relation to each other during the workshop: Artists who make use of the interview in their artistic trajectory will discuss their works with each other and the participants. Sociologists and phd researchers will introduce interview protocols and share their exploration of ethical implications linked to the relationship interviewee/interviewer. Specifically, we will exercise sensitive listening, watch and analyze case studies of interviews, and focus on the creation of subjective tales within the urban experience. Along the workshop days, participants will share and feedback the content produced during the workshop from the perspective of their own practice.

SPIN NIGHT 1 – ANGRIER AND KINDER  Blending Art and Political voices 


by Kate McIntosh with Jacob Wren, Anna Rispoli and John Jordan

SPIN NIGHT 5 – EVEN ANGRIER AND KINDER Three Tables for Testing Art & Political Action


by Kate McIntosh, Anna Rispoli and Nicolas Y Galeazzi   with WochenKlausur, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Heath Bunting, BAVO

Three challenging artworks that engage with social-political action in differing ways are presented as flash-points to focus the structured group discussions that follow. At three moderated discussion tables the participants and artists are invited to articulate, test, and exchange key questions that arise from their own practices, and that might open new scenarios.