The Common Wallet 


On 1 January 2018, ten Brussels-based arts professionals opened a shared bank account to which all members would have equal access and rights. Since then, all income generated by any of the members is credited to this account, while all of their individual expenses are made from the shared account. Each person is free to make expenses from the common account, regardless of the income contributed to it.

The CW came out of both a practical and an ideological wish of its members to address the precarity characterizing their socio-professional context. Aiming at challenging the culture of individualism, competition and antagonism that prevails in our neoliberal societies, the CW practices and reflects on alternative modalities to relate to each other, to work and to money. What happens when one replaces control and accountancy with radical trust and transparency? Can a practice of mutual dependency and solidarity provide us with greater individual empowerment, stability and happiness? When the type of kinship usually associated with family bonds is applied to other types of social and professional relationships, how does it effect the notion of care? Can money be handled as commons?

Fearless cities

14 workshops to reinvent your city

22-23 September 2018, Kaaitheater


After Barcelona, Warsaw and New York, Brussels joins the family of cities hosting thge municipalist summit Fearless Cities.

Municipalist programs tend to be focussed on the specific needs of city’s residents in order to dream and co-create programs that take care for them. Policy making can happen bottom up and feminist. This will be the chance to dare to imagine a new city system by unlocking the transformative city- making power we all have. Participate in practical workshops to learn fresh ways to live the city, powered by local and international leaders of movements that are transforming society from below.

 What does this meeting aims at?

– Inspire participants to reflect on democracy: encourage them to become fearless about getting involved in public life. Take responsibility for building what they need for a healthy public space and quality public services.

– Discover activist initiatives operating in multiple languages that are bridging communities: across Brussels’ communes, in Belgium across 3 regions and in the adjacent countries.
– Learn about what is happening around the world when it comes to municipalism, democratic alternatives, feminist politics etc.
– Connect people and organisations from the different communities of Brussels, Belgium and beyond to share their visions and strengthen their activism for a different kind of politics for the city – based on hope, solidarity, justice, equality, inclusion, love and ultimately care for people and planet
– Make responsive and responsible change and adaptation the way politics happen in Brussels. Brussels politics must become responsibly rooted in the everyday reality of its inhabitants.

check the FEARLESS CITIES network

123 occupies Bozar

2 Juin 2018

L’immeuble qui abrite l’asbl Woningen 123 Logements et ses 65 habitants depuis 11 ans est désormais vendu et devra être vide pour le 31 octobre 2018. L’ASBL a lancé une campagne qui vise à rassembler les forces vives afin de convaincre d’éventuels propriétaires de leur mettre un nouveau lieu à disposition et faire perdurer le projet. Une démarche notamment compliquée par la loi anti-squat votée en octobre 2017.

L’artiste italienne Anna Rispoli a invité l’asbl Woningen 123 Logements et les habitants du 123 rue Royale à la rejoindre le samedi 2 juin à partir de 15 h, au Palais des Beaux Arts dans le cadre de l’événement « Bozar Occupied. 50 Years of Cultural Protest ». Une occasion unique pour faire comprendre le mode de fonctionnement des logements gérés par l’asbl et les solutions qu’elle propose pour répondre à la crise du logement et à la vacance immobilière, à la nécessité d’une plus grande justice sociale et démontrer la plus-value de l’habitat solidaire.

15:00: Assemblée populaire
In the context of a fresh though actually contested anti-squat law, the popularisation of temporary occupation but only if it’s artistic and the big neighbourhood redevelopment demolition and construction sites that will pop up in Brussels the coming years, vzw Woningen 123 Logements asbl has launched the campaign SOLD OUT to find a new building and put housing on the agenda. This afternoon they invite some of the most important real estate actors of the city for an audition and to negotiate an agreement with their finest experts.

17:00: Surprise act

22:30: March to Rue Royale
Victoriously the crowd walks home to announce the good news of the new found home !

23:00 à l’aube: Support party
Nothing less, nothing more : a party to support the people who have worked their asses off to repair, maintain and fresh up the Bokal Royal – since 11 years the place to be for all who knows !

listen to an interview with Koen and Benjamin

Almost Nothing / with ZimmerFrei


Co-founder and member of ZimmerFrei for more then twenty years, Anna Rispoli has contributed to their film abot CERN scientific community.